Tuesday, 23 October 2012

40th Retreat. Day Four Part Two

Reflecting Back To Saturday 26th November, 2011

so...as I said, it was rain, food, rain, coffee, rain, market or which ever order it was in, dressed in my 'Nina' gear.
We drove on to Mornington and delighted in the sunshine peeping tenuously from behind the clouds. I must say I did feel pretty swish in my newly acquired op shop dress, leggins, sandals and my volumptuos scarf, neck wrap thingy with lovely crocheted bits dangling off and swaying this way and that. Yes, quite swish! Em was looking gorgeous as usual wearing lovely flowing Vigorella and her beautiful Elk Red Bird.
T'wasn't long before we'd stocked up on some pasta, pesto and parmesan for din dins and headed home, straight into pyjammies and popped the kettle on. I love excuses to get jimjammed up in the middle of the day. it really is so luxurious especially when there's no kids around and all that there is left to do is to make tea, eat yummy cakey things and chat about.....mmmm......well, you know, stuff!

Tonight was to be pretty spesh coz our dearest friend Janiney was popping by for the night. The three of us have been great friends since primary school and there's hardly a minutes silence between the 3 of us when we're together. Really though, I think Neen could talk us under the table if it ever really came don to it. SO much goes on in our blessed, domestic, simple lives there's ne'er a chance to take a breath (love it).

So at some time or another Janine arrived and it was on. Laughter, chatter, nibbling, crafting, all of it simultaneously mind you.

I couldn't help but take a moment to look at these two totally amazing women who have shared my life. A quiet moment to myself ,as they yabbled on, to be grateful, to feel honoured, to feel totally wrapped up in the warmth of their friendship and smile.

After cups of teaand what not, we focused on our mission. A twilight bathe at the hot springs (number 3 for us!!),  and i was cccooold outside. The springs are just so pretty at night.

It really is done very well. I love meandering paths, canopies of trees that meet overhead, the sounds of babbling brooks and walkin' along with my peeps dipping in and out of warm spa pools. Chatting in low whispers as this is a place of serenity, oh the serenity. And who else wants to hear our gabble anyway!

We had such a lovely time, really and the view at night from the very top pool was magic. A blanket of starry starry night, a little breezy, fresh air abound with the faint hint of salt from the ocean.

It was so cool! You know, cool as in the hip kind of cool not the temperature kind of cool!
Oh yes, Em would berate me if I failed to mentioned this next bit. As Em had felt she was walking about with 'Nina' today (I think I'll let this remain a private joke), She wanted to know if Nina, like myself, would take the first step into the very front public pool at the hot springs only assuming there to be 'one' step and proceed to stumble down the other 3 and splash ever so unelegantly into the water whilst being witnessed by bathing attendants and fellow bathers? Well my guess is she would and probably recover just as poorly as I did. Thank goodness we were leaving.......

Our girls night could not be complete without a chick flick or two and some chocolate. We ate both those blocks and completely cacked ourselves during Bridesmaids - bloody funny!
It was not an early night and nor was it intended to be. oh well, off to Bedfordshire xxx
xx Le xx

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Will Someone Send The House Cleaning Fairies....PLEASE!

I spent 4 and a half hours yesterday cleaning Little R's bedroom. It was an absolute train-wreck but looked pictureperfect when I was done..... FOUR AND A HALF HOURS!!!

And pictured here is the mess in my kitchen which2days ao was looking wonderful. It is constantly treated like a dumping ground at the end of the bench there. There is currently, our local directory, school newsletter, a lego gondola, pirate money, 2 phones, raffle tickets, a small dish with assorted bir-a-brac, sunnies, a bag of crochet flowers, a cupcake cookbook, an old wipe an assortment of things to be returned to their rightful owners and sadly much, much more! On the floor iis today's shopping, Em's ice cream churner, the rice cooker, nappy bag and cloths for the wash.....phew!
THEN.... There's THIS! Folded, clean clothes in the far left a pile of toys that are currently homeless in our space, B's pile of sketch books sitting on the kitchen bench to the right and a myriad of what nots that can't find anywhere to live.
There's 2 loads of washing waiting to be hung and I haven't cleaned the bathroom this week. I'm currently cooking dinner, roast veg and fritatta as it's scouts night tonight with a tight schedule between school pick up and scouts duty.
I love this crazy life, I love being busy, I love this home we have created. I love the spontaneous sing song I'm hearing from my two year old as I write. I just wish the house cleaning fairies would come!
xxxx Le xxxx

Monday, 15 October 2012

Lads and lasses

Inspired by bonnets and aprons and peaked caps.....

Friday, 12 October 2012

International Crochet Day Catch Up

Its been a busy time no doubt. Lots of creativity going on and between school holidays, work, crochet workshops and catching up with the girls, there's not been much time for anything else. Oh and yes we have discovered Pinterest! OMG! What a magnificent time spender! I have had many nights that I could have been blogging or actually creating something but I have chosen to be totally absorbed with wonderful imagery and inspiration way into the wee hours of the morning. It's SO fantastic! I must be careful though to ensure a balance.
And I really must get the birthday blogging done. It's nearly been a whole year since our retreat. It's coming, it really is.

But for now there is so much happening day to day and I have many 'oh I must blog that moments' yet none actually make it! Anyhow, lets get on with it. The bunting above was a gift for my friend's birthday. They have just renovated a caravan with original 70's turquiose vinyl upholstery. What else would you need but bunting! The wool is beautiful Bendigo Wool Mills pure wool which was very very cheap at a local sale and a joy to crochet with.

Really what I should be telling you about is how International Crochet Day went! Can't believe it was a whole month ago and I have done absolutely no follow up whatsoever. To the left is a pile of wool donated by ADRA, a local church group. They donated 4 shopping bags fulll which provided more than enough yarn to get through the 2 workshops and the creation of a handful of squares to contribute to the Community Crochet Blanket Project.
I was so proud of the event which we estimated about 80 lovely people attended between 11am and 3pm on a midweek day. A big thank you to everyone who came, shared, created and learnt. And also those who baked, check out this for a cake stand....
There was everything from Luscious Lemon Cake, Strawberry Jam Slice and Chocolate, Fig and Amaretto Cake, mmm, mmmm. One thing I didn't anticipate was how much of a distraction the cake table would be to the little people who attended and I hope it wasn't too much trouble for the mammas who had to pry little hands away from chocolate icing whilst trying to crochet. Next year we'll put the cake table up on the stage!
The local paper came and took a few snaps that made it onto page 4.
There was a fantastic kids corner which I would love to make in my own kids rooms. Mim's comfy couch cushions drapped in crochet goodness and a basket-full of toys from home kept young ones and mums happy. We really wanted the event to be totally inclusive of everyone, big and little.

We had a great display of books from our local library which I didn't even have a chance to look at. Although I think I have borrowed them all over the last 2 years!

Unfortunately these photos are the only ones I took. They all happened in the 5 mins before we started and there was NO time after that. People were lining up outside and kept coming in a very consistant stream throughout the day.

I ran 2 beginners workshops throughout the day with such wonderful results! I did explain that it took me 4hrs of undivided attention for me to teach myself one sunny day on my deck. I had the Patons Learn To Crochet book on my lap, a youtube tutorial ready to go on the computer and a determination to complete a granny square. FOUR HOURS I say! I only hope those who participated went straight hom and kept practising.
Now we can look forward to our quarterly crafternoons once again supported by the local council's arts director. Once every 3months we will hold a similar gathering which will embrace all crafts. An opportunity for us to gather, learn, make, share and create. The first of these will be held on the 12th of december and it'll either be too late or just in time for christmas! I can't wait to see what everyone brings.
xx Le xx