Can't believe I haven't mentioned International Crochet Day, Wednesday 12th September! I'm organising a free community event in my home town to celebrate the occasion and I'm hoping for a good turn out. I have no idea if there's going to be 5 or 55 people that show up! In any case I'm excited about what it could be. A day of encouraging people to crochet and teaching a few who would like to begin their own journey into the crochet world.
It's been difficult to begin new projects or to finish ongoing ones with a busy life and winter colds to deal with. I haven't even been taking that many photos.
We're in between technologies at the moment with the purchase of an ipad that takes great photos yet it doesn't come naturally to pick up and start taking shots for our blog.

Having said that, here's a pic of a project I'm working on for Little S's 2nd birthday coming up soon. Not that she needs another doll but I have enjoyed sitting peacefully and making each stitch very purposefully. Dolly now has all her arms and legs, they just need to be attached!

Here's some gorgeous yarn I bought from a little country trip we took a couple of months ago to see B's brother. A quick stop in Yea revealed two cute little spaces filled with beautiful hand dyed yarn and lovely handmade pieces. I have other photos but they're on the laptop. I'll put them on later. I have. No idea what I'll do with this yet but definately something spesh.

It was beautfiul weather that weekend. And here's their gorgeous country house. It was a foggy morning and the house was shrouded in a misty wrap. It burned off about mid-morning to reveal ab stunning sunny day. We planted trees for National Tree Planting Day by the river................

............and the kids had wagon rides. Good old fashioned fun running about the paddocks, climbing trees, playing cubbies and picking oranges.
Now we would say that we live in a semi rural area but this is something else. There's a greater element of space here, it's flat and open. The sun streams through the kitchen window at 7am (we don't see the sun until 10 in winter) and the kids don't ask to watch tv! Love it!
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