So I THOUGHT I had it sussed but wait, there's more!
I got up before everyone else this morning. The birds are chirpping, I went to bed early in anticipation of a busy day. I'm going to the Lark super sale today with a gorgeous friend, a girls day out. Thought I'd have a bit of quiet crochet time and began to restructure my red rows and came across some bits that just weren't right.
Ok, so it goes like this.....actually here's the link to lovely Lucy's Attic 24 blog, right here. See her very clear pictures and instructions? Previously I mentioned this pattern works in fours and the rises and falls land on top of each other in each row and that was the problem. In the first row of my fourth colour, they didn't- a sign that I had missed something along the way.
Holy Moly I sat here and counted each stitch and WAHLA! I traced it back to this....
You know with each mistake I am beginning to understand the pattern more and that's just what I want to learn.
At the start of the orange you can see there is a 'v' which is made up of 3 chain and 1 treble in the same stitch. After that there should be 4 treble but I have only 3 and, THAT my friends is my mistake. It has pulled every other set forward and it has had a knock on
effect from there on. A big sigh from me and a pile of unravelled wool that looks like noodles.
I am learning.
I am happy.
I am crocheting.
xx Le xx
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